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Ivorian friends, please let me know how I did??

recipe by @eatwithafia (AfiaAA) - see original post

It’s interesting to see the close cultural connection between Ivory Coast and Ghana as we share a major ethnic group

Ivorian foufou is basically Ghanaian eto’s cousin but eaten a little different.

There are so many renditions of this recipe on YouTube! For mine, I boiled two plantains that had just turned yellow without salt for about 10-15 mins till the were tender when I poked a fork through. I thin mashed it in my earthernware. You don’t need to let it cool down. I have also made this in my food processor and it works perfectly. For a bigger batch, a stand mixer is really good too. Add in some palm oil. I added a few tbsp of red palm oil. This is required. Mash till it’s smooth. Serve with soup of choice. This goes really well with the sauce gnangnan I have on my blog or even the palm nut soup